Mattress shopping is a breeze. Said no one ever.
That is, until the mattress-in-a-box concept came around of course. Gone are the days of driving around to multiple showrooms, getting hassled by a pushy salesman & getting balked at while you lay on a bed for 30 seconds. Most of the time you choose one on the spot. But how do you know what it's going to be like? You've only just met.
And then of course there is the 'sorry we can't deliver until Tuesday next week at 1pm'. You can't leave work to wait for it & strapping it to your car just isn't an option. So it's no wonder people are turning to the bed-in-a-box foam mattress option. No only is it super convenient & affordable, it's also pretty much risk free. Why? Because Naptime offers a 100 night trial period. Wriggle, jiggle & boogy on it and if you don't fall in love, you can send it on back.
Then there's the mattress manoeuvre. Bumping into hallways, squeezing through doorways and resting every 10 steps. It's never a pleasant experience & can be compared to that of putting together a furniture flat pack. So why not get it delivered in a box? Easy to carry, slide or roll. However you decide. Once it's in position, all that's left to do is open, roll out & watch (the best part).
And then of course there is the box itself, a great entertainer for kids. Which means whilst they're busy building a rocket ship or a fort, you can enjoy some serious zzz.
It's a win-win all round!