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Between the Sheets


Our Sleep Guide to Get You Through the Week

When Monday morning comes around, PWD (post weekend depression) kicks in. Whether you spent the weekend sleeping or socialising, the struggle is still very real. Back to the early mornings, caffeine hits and computer screens. And somewhere in between here and finding time to fit in an episode of Orange is the New Black, we must take all of the z's we can get.

Getting a good night's sleep works for more than simply removing the black rings under your eyes - it improves your alertness & memory, lowers your stress levels, improves your overall mood, assists in weight loss and more. All of which are vital for performing well at work and maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the week. In a recent study conducted by The Sleep Foundation, researchers suggest that adults aim for 7-9 hours a night. Easier said than done right? Some of us are lucky to get 5. And who actually remembers a time when you slept through the night?

So we've listed our top tips to achieving the optimum night's sleep to get you through to next weekend (yep, living for the weekends!).

Monday night: Meditate
Yep, after a long and busy Monday it's time to relax the mind and re-gather our thoughts. Put on your activewear or your sleepwear, jump into bed at 8pm and allow yourself to drift off for the night. Hot tip: Download the Blue Light Filter App to protect your eyes whilst using your phone prior to bed. It will aid in falling asleep faster.

Tuesday night: Take a stroll
Going for a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood before or after dinner is a great way to wind down. Exercise boosts the effect of natural sleep hormones such as melatonin (yes the chemical that puts us into zzz state).

Wednesday night: Eat sleep-inducing foods
It's hump day - the perfect night to get your full 8 hours to push you through to Friday. So stock up on sleep-inducing snacks during the day such as pistachios, prunes, nut butter, herbal teas, oatmeal, cherries, wholegrain bread, bananas & dark chocolate.

Thursday night: Put on a calming podcast or playlist
1 more sleep before Friyay - our favourite day of the week. Pop on your jim jams, brush your teeth at 7:30pm and at 8pm listen to a relaxing podcast or playlist on your speaker or headphones. Dim the lights, and relax the mind and body. Then drift off for the night. We love Krista Tippett's 'On Being'

Friday night: Take a warm bath
The time has come! Time to take a relaxing bath and de-stress from the week. Fill the bath with your favourite scent (Aesop Body Cleanser doubles as a delicious bubble bath), light a few candles and slip into a warm tub. Although wine might seem like a good idea, skip it for tonight - it will only disrupt your beauty sleep.

Relaxed & refreshed ready for a weekend of fun!


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